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The 2014 Summer Reading Program, themed Paws to Read!, kicks off on June 14 and will run through August 23! Get started today and read your way through summer break!

For more information on all of the Summer Reading Programs or to sign up online, please visit the Contra Costa County Library website’s Summer Reading page.

Children’s Program

Children will keep track of how much time they read, marking off ‘paws’ on a special Reading Record to earn fun prizes! Bring your completed reading record to your local Contra Costa County Library to receive your prizes, including:

  • Sticker
  • Book Bag
  • Chabot Space & Science Center Pass
  • Puppy Hat
  • Paperback Book
  • Lawrence Hall of Science Pass
  • Round Table Pizza Coupon

Prizes will be available beginning July 12; all prizes are subject to availability. Each child may complete this program for prizes one time. Prizes must be claimed by August 23.

Lin Look will visit the four Orinda elementary schools to introduce the county-wide summer reading program; she’ll be joined by a therapy dog and handler at each school.

Teen Program, Grades 6-12

Teens in grades 6-12 can participate in the summer reading program by spending at least 20 hours reading and completing a written record or tracking their progress online. Participants may read materials in print, online, or recorded formats. Magazines, newspapers—it all counts towards total reading time. Paper reading records can be picked up at the library.

Once you have read 20 hours, completed the reading record, and have written a review of at least one book, please visit your local Contra Costa County Library to receive your prizes, including:

  • Book
  • Round Table pizza coupon
  • Lawrence Hall of Science Pass

In addition, each participant will also be entered into a county-wide drawing for a chance to win a Kindle Fire.

Adult Program

To participate in the Adult Summer Reading program, patrons are required to submit at least one book review. There is no limit to the number of reviews an individual can submit. There are two ways to submit a book review:

  1. Write a review on a paper bookmark that can be picked up at the library or printed from the library’s website.
  2. Online using Evanced Summer. To submit a review online, participants need to create an Evanced account.

For each book review submitted, participants will receive one entry into a prize drawing. The winner will receive a prize bag containing a Contra Costa County Library water bottle, books, and a gift certificate to an Orinda restaurant. Additionally, there are many countywide prizes for adults: Nook Simple Touch, pair of tickets for Berkeley Rep Theatre, one night’s stay at Renaissance Club Sport in Walnut Creek, set of four tickets for the Lindsey Wildlife Museum, and a pair of Academy of Science Nightlife at the Academy tickets.